Beautifully belonging
My parents, and their parents, were displaced. Forced from their Lithuanian birthplace and their homeland. A result of Germany and Russia fighting ...
Read moreMeditation is the practice of focusing your awareness on a particular thing and holding your attention there. Be it your breath, a mantra, question or physical sensations, dedicating intentional focus on these seemingly simple things can bring profound clarity, stability and harmony.
People meditate for many different reasons. For relaxation or healing. To help find peace and balance. I meditate for joy, and it is my intention to help you discover the joy of meditation.
Wayapa Wuurk® is a beautiful earth connection practice based on ancient Indigenous wisdom. It translates to ‘Connect to the Earth’ in the languages of the Maara People from South West Victoria and the GunaiKurnai People from Gippsland, Victoria.
Wayapa combines earth mindfulness, meditation, physical movement and intentional action to look after the environment. It is based in the philosophy of interconnectedness and the belief that healing the earth is the path to heal ourselves.
Breathwork is a simple practice of consciously controlled breathing.
Somatic breathwork is breathing from the body and observing our internal sensations. It includes increasing sensory awareness throughout the body as we breathe. During somatic breathwork, you can safely and gently release emotional blockages, tension in the body, trauma and self-sabotaging stories that we carry in our cellular memory.
Writing is a powerful healer and guide. It provides space for self reflection and an opportunity to learn and explore anything our imagination desires. Writing improves our memory, strengthens connections in our brain and can even improve our immune system. For me, writing is a practice of joyful self-discovery, that allows me to help others; we learn from each other through the sharing of experiences and stories.
My parents, and their parents, were displaced. Forced from their Lithuanian birthplace and their homeland. A result of Germany and Russia fighting ...
Read moreMy legs move up and down, my feet round and round as I pedal on the exercise bike in our little makeshift backyard gym. The sun is licking the floo...
Read moreTo listen to the footstep of our ancestors and their hearts beating in time with ours.